Photography archive

Archive of photography featuring a collection of works in both analog and digital formats.

Painture and drawing archive

Archive of paintings and drawings showcasing works created in recent years, including ink and mixed media on paper, as well as acrylic and mixed media on canvas.

La Artesa

This research recovers an old trough and creates a story through the materials that compose it.


Visuals for an experimental theatre play

Salt studies

I choose salt and create my own symbol with it, also using its historical value. I investigate salt as salarium, the revolts over the rise in taxes on salt, the throwing of salt on the city and land of Carthage so that nothing else would grow, salt as a magical and healing element.

Mínimo gesto sobre blanco

The final result from the painting can only be engendered from the white, the white colour, applied on the raw canvas.



As 7 e 7, Solaina Galería. Museo Provincial de Lugo (ES)

Poetry Light and Drawing / Los limones absortos. Syracuse, New York (US)

Tribunal. Pazo de Mariñán, A Coruña (ES)

Masters Printmaking 2021. KoMASK Royal Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts. Antwerp (BE)
Feliz Navidad. Ateneo. (ES)
¿Qué nos hace humanos? (What makes us humans?). Sesnon Art Gallery (CA, US)

I Jornada Internacional en Arte Sostenible, JIAS
Salvemos la Navidad. Solaina Galería, Lugo (ES)
Leña Verde. Museo Etnolóxico, Ribadavia (ES)

Morriña. Banca Ética, Brescia (IT)
Edición II Premio Talento Artístico ACF. Galería Jorge Alcolea, Madrid (ES) Primer premio
Exposición do final e do comezo. Pazo da Cultura de Pontevedra, Pontevedra (ES)
Novos Valores 2019. Museo de Pontevedra, Pontevedra (ES)
Conciertos y performances en sintonía. Conservatorio superior de Vigo (ES)
Idus Martis. Casa do Matadoiro, Santiago de Compostela (ES)
Openlab OL35. Facultade Belas Artes, Pontevedra (ES)
El gran pintxeo. Barakaldo, Pontevedra (ES)


First position. Edición II Premio talento artístico Ahorro Corporación
Financiera. Madrid


Lab Careixa (ES)

X Encontro de Artistas Novos, EAN10. Cidade da Cultura, Santiago de Compostela (ES)